Thursday 22 September 2011

Just to get started...

Right, i've been working on the facebook page for a while now and i'm rapidly approaching 500 members. I've been interested in blogging for ages and have done so before with limited success. I'm quite excited to concentrate some time and effort in a field where I have a good ear for music, respect for those who work in the industry and generally a desire to get involved.

With UTA i'm looking to showcase bands on the site from all over the world. One thing I do promise is to never discriminate against any genre of music from any part of the world, I want to give bands in India a chance to be heard by people from the UK, Artists from Africa to be appreciated by residents of America and so forth. For the time being, i'm looking to break all the boundaries based on a simple concept of uniting the world with music and song.. massively cheesy but the easiest way to illustrate the vision I have for what i'm trying to achieve.

I will update this blog as much as possible and will help out bands and artists with my contacts with promoters, artists, labels, etc. If you need help or advice, a chat or a promo push then just email me on and if I can assist you, I will.

In the meantime -  please share this group with friends, your fans and anybody who may be interested. Lets get this place up and running. Thanks for the support :)